How to Lose Weight Quickly and Naturally, Through Perfect Diet and Exercise

Obesity is an ever growing problem in the western world. It seems like every one is wondering how to lose weight, but very few actually know exactly what it takes to lose it.

People will argue till the cows come home about whether it's nutrition that makes you lose weight or if it is exercise that make you lose weight... The fact is that it is about 70:30 - Nutrition: Exercise.  

If you are over weight it is probably because you metabolism is a lot slower than that of a skinny person. To speed up you metabolism you need to eat 6+ small meals per day, 2 hours apart. You also need to burn more calories during the day then you eat. On the exercise side of things, you need to do full body compound movements. What I mean by this is movements with or without weight that incorporate almost every muscle in the body. eg. Squat, Deadlift, Pull-ups/ Chin-ups, Press-ups...

You will see some people doing bicep curls every day and are still wondering how to lose weight. You lose fat evenly over your entire body. You cannot do 10000 sit-ups every day and think that you will have a six pack. If you don't lose fat over you entire body and get your body fat % under 10% you will never get to see you ABS

The last place on your body to lose fat is the part just around your belly button in the lower rectus abdominal region (ABS) A daily fusion of proper nutrition and only a few minutes of exercise and you will notice you body weight practically falling off you.

Fergal Downes is a fully qualified personal trainer, sports nutritionist and is an expert in his chosen field of diet and weight loss. He has worked in the health and fitness industry for many years. If you want to know more about diet and weight loss, visit

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