How to Lose Weight Fast: 14 Things You Can Do to Lose Weight Quickly!

Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast. We know the usual "watch your diet and exercise regularly" routine. But if it is as simple as that, then there wouldn't be so many fat people in this world!

Amidst all the lies and hype surrounding the weight loss industry, it can be hard to separate the hype and lies from the truth. That's why in today's article, I'm going to share with you 14 things you must do to lose weight fast. Following these 14 tips will help you to lose weight safely and stay lean all year-round.


How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #1: Stop eating only salads

How to Lose Weight Naturally in the Least Amount of Time

When first pondering how to lose weight naturally, the idea can seem pretty daunting. Sure, it can be difficult. But the level of difficulty in losing weight naturally depends on the person who wants to lose the weight, and his or her tolerance for change. Learning how to lose weight naturally will require you to first look within yourself. Understanding yourself will make you aware of things that come naturally, and will determine your best course of action for losing weight.

For example, exercise is pretty easy for some. Maybe you enjoy taking walks, or perhaps "pumping iron" gives you a rush or appeals to you in some way. For some, exercise may be out of the question, because they have a disability, are too busy, or just too lazy (let's be honest). The point is, even if you do know how to lose weight naturally, you still have to be able and willing to actually do it. With whatever weight loss system or diet that you choose, knowing how to lose weight naturally starts with knowing what comes easily or with difficulty in your life.

Guide on How to Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally

At 38 years old, David was 20 pounds overweight 2 years ago. Armed with plenty of determination, he engaged in a strict weight loss program where he lost all the excessive weight on him. The more weight he lost, out went the vitality and exuberance David always used to possess.

He became tired and exhausted making people around him really upset about his health. One year later, 25 pounds gained again, David embarked on a fitness program. David became really fit again after weeks of following his exercise regime along with some discipline on the dining table. However, this time he was in an fabulous build brimming with tons of energy and looked radiant. 

You might be thinking how come the results differ by so much?

This time he lost fats, while on the initial phase, David lost weight only. The weight lost through dieting are usually muscle and connective tissue while only a tiny amount is extra fat. However his body mass became leaner and excess fat is burned through exercise.

This hypothesis goes with cellulite appearance also. Only weighty or plump people have cellulite or so we believe. It has lead to the assumption of fats and cellulite to be ever significant. In fact, cellulite can be found in many of us regardless whether we are plump or not.

Losing Weight Naturally and Healthily

This is basically a modified fasting regimen that allows you to re-adjust your metabolism back to the way it was designed to work. Specifically, it's called alternate day fasting. Here's how it works.

On fasting days, you reduce your food intake to 500 calories. This is the day (actually every 2nd day where you do need to count calories a bit.) These calories should be consumed at one meal; ideally lunch or dinner. On NON-fasting days (every 2nd day) you can eat whatever you want, without counting. 

It's simple, but it does an extraordinary thing. You need to consider these mental/emotional perspectives before you begin this regimen and if you are diabetic or hypoglycemic or suffer from adrenal problems, discuss it with your doctor first, please.

Eating one meal on your fast day usually means not eating breakfast. Most of us believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Researching the literature on this, you'll find that most of the studies done that support this perspective were funded by the cereal companies. Other, independent studies do NOT support the importance of breakfast over other meals.

The toughest time emotionally and mentally with this alternate day fast regimen comes in the first 7 - 10 days. It's during this time that your body is adjusting and re-setting your metabolism. This is the CRITICAL period of this weight loss regimen. Stop and think critically for a moment, please. Re-read the previous sentence with the word critical in it.

Recreational Soccer - Weight Loss Naturally and Improved Aerobic Fitness?

Apparently you can lose weight by playing recreational soccer.

A recent study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (Krustup et al, 2009, 43:825-831) took 36 healthy untrained men and randomized them into three groups: a soccer group, a running group and a control group.

Training lasted for 1 hour two or three times per week for 12 weeks; at an average heart rate of 82% of HRmax for both the soccer and running groups.

At the end of the 12 weeks, the soccer group improved maximal oxygen uptake (a measure of aerobic fitness) 62% more than the running group. The soccer group also lost an average of 50% more fat than the running group (6lbs vs. 4lbs).

The researchers concluded that participation in recreational soccer training, has significant beneficial weight loss effects in some aspects it is superior to frequent moderate-intensity running.

To be honest these results surprised me for the simple reason that recreational soccer is usually played at a low level of intensity. Most of the guys that I know that play do it for the social aspect.

So what does this tell us about recreational a soccer and weight loss?

My guess would be the interval aspect of the training. Most top fat loss experts include some form of interval cardio to their weight loss programs. Not only that but also the multi-directional, multi-movement (jumping, heading, running, sprinting, kicking, tackling, with contact) and multi-planar actions.

Generally, this study shows that open interval training, using multiple movements and directions is superior for conditioning, muscle building and weight loss when compared to the same intensity of running.

So the next time you think you want to go for a long run or jog for your aerobic fitness, perhaps you should get out a soccer ball and kick it around.

Mike Grafstein has a background in Athletic Therapy, Massage Therapy and Youth Strength and Conditioning.

He is the author of of Youth Soccer Power Unleashed in which he has included weight loss strategies from some of the top fat loss experts in the fitness industry. 


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How to Lose Weight Naturally and Fast - Joining Weight Loss Boot Camps

Weight loss has become one of the main problems that many people are trying to address these days. In fact, it has also become one of the preoccupations of many women that lead to emergence of the many diet pills, crash diets as well as surgeries that can do magic to your weight. In fact, this has become the root of other eating disorders.

If you are having weight problems or obesity problems, it is important not to expect instant solutions. Of course, we all want quick solutions but also remember that you have accumulated that extra weight for long years and you just can't expect magic to get rid of all the extra weight overnight. Of course, it also needs effort and dedication.

If you want to learn how to lose weight naturally and quickly, the best way to do it is to burn those extra calories with exercise and watching your diet. These two should always go hand in hand to attain your weight loss goals. Focusing on the exercise part of your weight loss, it is important to consider the best exercises that fit your weight loss goals.

All Natural Garcinia Cambogia Is a Weight Loss Pill That Works

Garcinia Cambogia: weight-loss game changer

The fruit is called Garcinia Cambogia and it's grown in sub-tropical regions of the world, most commonly humid, forest settings in places like Southeast Asia and India. It's been cultivated for ages and used in traditional recipes both for flavor and for a lengthy list of almost magical health benefits we'll get into shortly.

As we begin to break down the science behind how Garcinia Cambogia actually works, let's take a look at how it's traditionally been used by different cultures around the world for centuries. In Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia and Burma as well as in India and Central Africa, the fruit is widely known and commonly used as a powerful appetite suppressant. While these cultures don't seem to face the obesity epidemic causing health problems in the United States, a food that fills you up in small volumes is extremely valuable. For this reason, it's used in the preparation of soups and sauces such as curry to satisfy hunger after eating only a little bit.  

In conjunction with Garcinia Cambogia's appetite suppressing qualities, it's also well known to provide increased levels of energy, allowing the hard working people of India and Southeast Asia to be less tired and more productive throughout the day. What does that mean for someone trying to loose inches of body fat? On top of feeling less hungry as a result of consuming Garcinia Cambogia, you'll have more energy to exercise and burn calories, therefore losing weight more quickly.

But let's get even more scientific. Studies have shown that Garcinia Cambogia actually prevents the formation of fat cells in the body, meaning produces less fat and actually burning more calories. What's even more incredible is that, while some methods of burning fat also tend to erode away muscle mass, Garcinia Cambogia allows your body to rid itself of fat tissue while preserving and even growing muscle. And the more lean muscle mass a person has, the more calories they naturally burn throughout the day, accelerating the process even more.

Are You Ready For The Summer?

So the summer is on our doorstep.

Time for camping, BBQs, evenings out, family activity days and holidays. The chance to make the most of the hot weather and lounge around by the beach or swimming pool topping up your tan.

Or sadly for some of us it may mean hiding in the shade with a few layers on.

There are a lot of people who are a little embarrassed about their bodies and would rather keep it hidden. If you are in this category I can guarantee that if you make a few simple changes to your life you can start to see some major results and move closer to a body you are proud of.

Being a personal trainer I see two main surges in activity levels, it's new years with all of the resolutions and then it is about now. 10-12 weeks before the summer where everyone wants to get their beach body ready and look and feel good for the summer.

Walking for Exercise Is Super Healthy

I have been walking for my health for 40 years now. I began in March of 1974. My wife and I moved into the neighborhood in which we reside now with a lot of enthusiasm. I remember the second or third day after moving into our new home, I noticed several cars driving up in front of our house. The curious thing was that it was about 5 am in the morning. I also noticed that the men in the cars all went into the house next door. I thought to myself, what could this be all about?

I found out the next day when an old gentleman from the same house next door came over to me as I was watering my yard, why the men were going into his house. After greeting each other, he proceeded to tell me why the cars were parking in front of our houses so early in the morning. It turned out that they were a walking group. The old gentleman was 89 years of age at the time, and he was very well respected in the community. He was the catalyst for the group for walking to get his exercise at such an elderly age. The men were so amazed by the old gentleman that they all decided to honor him by starting the walking exercise from his house.

The Best Way to Lose Weight Naturally

The best way to lose weight fast according to hype up fitness magazines is to use that dangerous diet pill and trying the latest fad diet they are promoting. Although some of them have helped people lose weight, it is still a fact that it only works for a short period of time and not exactly the best way there is. I have outlined for you below a few weight loss suggestions that has gave me the best results in my quest to lose weight naturally and safely in the shortest time possible.

Best Practices When Trying To Lose Weight:

1. Avoid Getting Into Crash Diets

More than 50% of people who want to lose weight often make the mistake of drastically cutting off huge amounts of calories in their daily meals. Initially, they get positive results but after a week or two, they reach a plateau and cannot lose excess pounds anymore no matter how hard they try.

Types of Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Though there are alternatives available for losing weight, like following a diet plan, workouts, using weight loss supplements can be an effective method of weight reduction. People should be cautious while choosing these supplements. There are some qualities which an effective weight reduction product should possess. They are,
Suppressing the appetite
Effective Fat Burner  

The natural weight loss supplements can be the solution to the obesity issue. Though various diet pills are available around to pick, the natural supplements are an attractive option to choose. Though these are natural we can't consider being honky dory. The reasons may be the fewer side effects or its availability. Even the diet pills are now packed with the natural supplements like hoodia, glucomannan etc. Among these supplements, the best appetite suppressants are Hoodia Gordonii, Glucomannan, Garcinia cambogia, green tea and African mango.

How to Lose Weight Quickly and Naturally, Through Perfect Diet and Exercise

Obesity is an ever growing problem in the western world. It seems like every one is wondering how to lose weight, but very few actually know exactly what it takes to lose it.

People will argue till the cows come home about whether it's nutrition that makes you lose weight or if it is exercise that make you lose weight... The fact is that it is about 70:30 - Nutrition: Exercise.  

If you are over weight it is probably because you metabolism is a lot slower than that of a skinny person. To speed up you metabolism you need to eat 6+ small meals per day, 2 hours apart. You also need to burn more calories during the day then you eat. On the exercise side of things, you need to do full body compound movements. What I mean by this is movements with or without weight that incorporate almost every muscle in the body. eg. Squat, Deadlift, Pull-ups/ Chin-ups, Press-ups...

Lose Weight Fast and Quick With Natural Slim Tea

Are you trying to lose weight?

If so, its time you check out some of the natural ways to lose weight. With more and more people getting aware of the dangers and perils of weight loss supplements, natural weight loss supplements are getting increasingly popular. And there is nothing that can beat slim tea is this aspect.

It is 100% natural and does not have any side effects.

No one can question that! 

Tea is one of the most popular beverages across the world. People in China have been drinking it for thousands of years not just to avoid being overweight but also ensure best overall health.

There are many varieties of tea but the best slim tea is packed with certain high grade varieties such as wuyi cliff oolong, sencha and pu-erh.

Best Way to Lose Weight Quickly - Supplements of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia has been used in the form of ayurvedic medicine for decades; it has many benefits apart from weight loss. However, it is most popular for its contribution to losing weight. That is because it has all the qualities that a great supplement should have.


This fruit is easily available in the market. You could just go to your nearest retail and avail one. It is also available online, waiting to be shipped to you.

It is easy to consume. Take the required dose before meals and you are done. Make sure you buy a good variety of Garcinia Cambogia supplement and take two tablets daily.


This fruit supplement is a fast way to lose weight because it acts in two ways. Firstly, it stops your body from storing any fat from the excess carbohydrate and fat that you consume. It blocks the production of fat and releases it in the form of energy. Secondly, it controls your appetite and cravings so that you never over eat. Thus, it gives you speedy weight loss.


No one wants a supplement that leaves them wondering about the side effects. Garcinia Cambogia is a 100 % natural product without any side effects. It is made from a fruit found in India and Africa. It cannot be consumed raw as it is very sour. These supplements have no other ingredients apart from the Garcinia Cambogia extracts, thus, making it natural and safe.

How to Lose Weight Naturally - Safe Natural Weight Loss

People who want to lose weight are constantly battling to find a solution that will work. Obesity is on the increase and over the last 10 years, it has risen by a massive 20%. People are becoming ever conscious to adopt a healthy lifestyle. There are thousands of products available on the market offering quick fix weight loss cures, all promising quick easy ways to lose weight. Although some may offer temporary results, in most cases the weight is put back on, and in some cases more weight than was lost.

Natural weight loss is the most simple and effective way for permanent weight loss. Losing weight naturally is not about dieting; it is about by making gradual changes to your eating habits that will help you lose the weight for good. Be truly honest with yourself- you need to want to lose your weight. Once you have made the decision to lose weight, set some realistic and achievable goals that you can follow. Goal setting will help you to take action, and by taking that action you will start to see some great results!

How To Lose Water Weight Quickly - Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercising By Detoxifying

your gift

If you're trying to lose water weight quickly, then you really should look into cleaning out your colon. Why is that? The reason is that your body takes in toxic chemicals every day without you even knowing it. Just breathing in the air outside can bring in more bulk chemicals that can cause your body to stop up like a crowded highway. Stay with me.

Think of it this way. If your body is full of mucus and other chemicals then how can water and fluids get through and be ejected out of your body? You need to free up your body in order to be able to get rid of the excess fluids and garbage that you are storing in your intestines and colon.

Advice to promote health

Your gift

For many of us take care of our health resources that are registered with a family doctor in the area, general medical care and access to quality specialty care , if necessary. Can I pay insurance provides private health care or to be registered with our work so that we can rely on a faster processing emergency occurs.

It is worth noting that many of us are increasingly on the level and quality of care they receive from our health professionals. Ask questions, seek more answers, want to know what it is prescribed for us, how long we have to take, no known side effects, what is the long-term prognosis, we need this procedure, are there other options? Access to online information is added to the interest in recent years, sometimes contributing valuable knowledge, healthy eating sometimes anxiety symptoms and diagnosis.

The good effect is that many of us seek to take more personal responsibility for our health and well-being. We seek to support our ongoing health and invest emotionally, mentally and physically in order to take better care of ourselves and support good health.

- Ways to support good physical health are often readily available in many magazines and media. Having a healthy and balanced diet, minimizing the consumption of processed foods, alcohol, sugar and fat are considered a sensible decision by many people. Exercise is good for improving physical health and is also a great way to reduce stress, control weight and may include a social element of fun when it comes to team games such as football and mixed or walk with family and friends.

Best Way to Lose Weight - Fast & Naturally

Most people have tried different methods to lose weight fast, but all to no avail. Some people have tried certain shortcuts such as popping so-called diet pills and other stuff like patches, herbal teas, lotions (yes, "slimming lotions and soap"), you might wonder "who buys these stuff anyway?" the answer is simple, people who want to lose weight fast.

If you want to shed pounds, there is no magic involved, all you have to do is simply burn off the fat, period. Because nothing else will work not the diet pills, slimming soaps, lotions and diet tricks made up by some people who want to remain in business by separating you from your hard earned money, the best way they can. To lose weight fast, you will have to burn off more calories than you consume, because the faster you burn off the calories you eat the faster you shed off excess pounds.

Secrets to Losing Weight Quickly and Naturally

When losing weight comes across your mind, one of the first things you probably think of is "I need to lose weight fast." This is one of the thoughts crossing 2 out 3 American's minds each day therefore in this article I will provide you with some tips to losing weight quickly and naturally. Weight loss really is simple but you need to have the right concept down before you can even come close to losing weight. Too many people are trying diet pills or starving themselves to attempt to just shed those pounds. They then usually find themselves disappointed because nothing is working. The concepts I would like to reveal here are simply burn more calories than you consume and count the calories to lose weight.

How to Lose Weight Fast Naturally Using Natural At Home Remedies

The level of education in America has dropped quite a considerable amount. The high school education that our kids are getting has become below subpar. I am ashamed to see the text books that are provided for the kids by the government. Not all of us our rich and can afford to send our kids to private schools and institutions. It's a rule of thumb that if you aren't smart about something you will end up being shorthanded and played a fool. The same basic principle applies in weight loss. The smartest way to go through weight loss is to be smart about it. And the best way to be smart about it is to do fat loss naturally. I will take you through the best way to have smart natural weight loss.

Losing Weight Naturally With Functional Weight-Loss Medicine

There's something new in healthcare that most have not heard about... functional weight-loss medicine. Most often, weight loss plans involve restricting portions and adherence to some exercise regimen. With functional weight-loss medicine, weight loss is simply a side benefit of a body that has become healthier overall!

So what exactly is functional medicine? Functional medicine focuses on improving the body's gastrointestinal (gut health), endocrine (thyroid), and immune systems. Each treatment plan is designed uniquely for each patient.

Two of the most common symptoms that our patients experience, prior to arriving at our doorstep, are weight gain and fatigue. They've tried restricting their calories, sometimes to as little as 500 calories a day. Some patients, at least those who have enough energy, will exercise almost daily. Yet, the excess weight remains.

Tips to Lose Weight Naturally - Garcinia Pills Manage Effortless Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight quick and fast?

Here are some simple and easy tips that can help you get back in shape sooner than expected:

1. Change your lifestyle - Adding a few tweaks to your daily routine can help you lose a lot of extra body weight. Try to be more healthy. For instant, try replacing your daily cup of coffee with green tea or try to jog for at least 20 minutes a day. These little changes can help you get back in shape faster than you can think.

2. Give up snacking- Snacking can make you gain a lot of weight. If you must then try to have a green salad in place of your usual snack.

3. Enjoy your breakfast - Trust me on this, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It tends to super charge your metabolism so that your body begins burning fat. Begin your day with a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fruits. You will have more energy throughout the day.

4. Quit Smoking - Though it has nothing to do with your diet, quitting cigarettes can help you look at yourself with a new and healthy perspective. A lot of people quit smoking and begin working out to improve their health. It can work as an important motivational factor to help you workout regularly.

Losing Weight - How To Naturally Lose Weight

OK! Are you ready to understand the difference between losing weight and burning fat? You may or may not know this but you are capable of losing 5 pounds a day! Sure you are. Of course this doesn't make sense because if you weighed 200 pounds, then after 40 days, you will vanish!

I had a friend that played football for the University of Tulsa in the mid-90s. He would tell me stories about how he would lose 5 pounds a day. He would wake up and weigh himself. 245 pounds. When he finished practice, he would weigh 240.

Of course I wasn't that gullible. Any person in their right mind would know that this was 'water' weight. Of course we are all capable of losing weight every day, but most of us wish that it would stay off right?

Your body is a natural fat burning machine. It can burn its fat on its own while you are in your sleep. How does this happen?

How To Lose Weight Naturally - 9 Simple Dietary And Lifestyle Adjustments For Weight Loss

When trying to lose weight it's easy to get caught up in a cycle of weight loss > weight gain > weight loss > weight gain, and so the cycle continues. This is usually because you pursue a diet and fitness regimen which is simply outside of your comfort zone.

Going from one extreme to the other in a mad bid to lose weight is not the best strategy. Firstly, the body responds best to gradual changes. Secondly, if you aren't comfortable with a diet and fitness regimen then you're not going to sustain it. That's why today you're going to learn how to make small dietary and lifestyle adjustments that can have a big impact.

How to Lose Weight Naturally

Calorie Counting

If you're going to successfully lose weight then you need to burn more calories than you consume - period. Use a spreadsheet to make a list of the foods in your diet and then determine your average weekly consumption of calories pertaining to each food. Doing this will help you better determine the sneaky high calorie foods that may be hindering your weight loss efforts.

How to Lose 40 Pounds in 4 Months - A Plan For Those Ready to Lose Weight

This article outlines what you need to do to lose 40 pounds in 4 months. I think it is important to note that losing 10 pounds a month can be done in a healthy way yet results like this will not come without your effort and participation. Having said that, if you are ready to get the pounds off then this article was written for you, please read on.

Lose 40 Pounds in 4 Months 

1. Bigger changes and motivation. In order to lose this weight you will need to make significant changes in your eating and exercise (see below) however when you take these actions you will see the results on the scale and this will become a powerful motivator for you. In fact, research shows that people who take bigger action and get rewarded with fast results are more likely to stick with their plan.

How to Burn Fat Quickly - Lose Weight Naturally

Are you concerned about excess fat in your body?

Burning fat is hard for a lot of people but it is not impossible. Listed below are some simple and easy ways to make your body burn fat quickly and safely:

1. Walk

Walking is a great exercise but a simple stroll in the park is not good enough if you are serious about losing weight. Walking briskly is a better option and running is even better than a brisk walk.

So, put on you running shoes and make it a point to run for at least 20 minutes a day. If you find it hard initially, begin with just 10 minutes a day and gradually increase your time.

Best Weight Loss Secrets

So it is no secret that the United States is one of the most obese countries today . Our weight issues were a hot topic in the media and news for several years, and new fad diets and weight loss programs have been spawning out of control.

If you're like millions of other Americans are overweight, you are probably very interested in finding the best weight loss system . Are these new fad diets the way forward ? What medications or even surgery ?

The increased use of drugs and surgery is for me a little scared. While both are the best methods of weight loss compared to the rapid weight loss are also riskier and have more side effects and risks with respect to diet programs and exercise.

Foods to Eat to Lose Weight the Natural Way

Unlike what you have heard, you do not have to starve yourself to lose weight fast. You can eat the same amount of food and still lose weight the natural way. Here are some foods that you can eat and put a stop to obesity in your life.


Fruits are very good for your body because they are packed with nutrients while remaining low in calories. Since most fruits contain sugar in them, they have the ability to change into fat once they are eaten. In fact, some fruits will burn fat faster than others do. One such fruit that burns fat fast is the avocado. The avocado has in its makeup a good amount of Omega 9 fatty acids that makes it one of the perfect converters of energy fat. It also acts as a good metabolism booster.

Other ground produce such as coconut, lemons, grapefruit, and tomatoes as well as others consist also of an array of healing compounds found naturally in them. Eating enough of these produce regularly will help your body to lose weight the natural way.

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks - Lose Weight Quickly and Naturally

So you want to know how to lose weight in two weeks. You want to know how to lose weight quickly and naturally, without pills, special diet food, running marathons, fad diets, or spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your weight loss regimen.

Isn't regimen a nasty word? It just sounds hard. How about program? Program is better and sounds much easier.

Believe it or not, you have the power inside you to lose weight in two weeks. It doesn't require a trip to the mall to buy special equipment. You will not have meals delivered to your door every week. Well, maybe a little pizza now and then. You will not need a coach or a personal trainer (although having a "buddy" to lose weight with you is a great thing)